To Chris:

I figured since there are going to be pictures and stuff and there are a few mom’s of girls that read the site I’d just post it here. This is a picture of the dollhouse when you get it:

It comes with some chairs, a highchair, the family (mom, dad, baby, sister & cat), basanette, toybox. There are also non-moving fixtures like the rocking chair upstairs, all of the kitchen appliances, the chair in the living room with the little table beside it. Best of all it comes with TWO PAGES of stickers!! One page of numbered stickers that have set places to go and one page of decorative sitckers (lights, pictures, rugs, wallpaper borders) that you can place wherever you want.

The chair in the living room and upstairs have sensors on them and evertime you sit a family member on it they say somehting. The same for the table beside the chair in the living room (and I think a chair in the kitchen).

THEN there are the accessories. Each room of accessorees has more sensored item’s that add sayings and sounds to the house. I’ll give you some examples:

The living room:

First off, the set comes with EVERYTHING you see there. (The clock, pictures and vase you see on the wall are examples of the decorator stickers you can place wherever you want). If you look very closely at the tea set on the coffee table you’ll notice the pink ribbons on them. The pink ribbons indicate a sensor item. They can be placed on the kitchen bar, the table beside the chair and the chair in the living room or the rocking chair upstairs and they will make sounds. (Play I’m a Little Tea Pot, a teapot whistle, etc..). The TV ‘changes chanels’ by flipping screens and plays a corresponding sound as what’s on the TV.

The kitchen:

The only thing you see from the kitchen set is the table and presents. It also comes with the chairs that match the table. The table itself is the neat thing. As you can see it’s set up for a birthday party. The presents on the table are the sensor devise so if you put that on any of the sensors in the house it plays happy birthday. If you flip the table legs over it has a red and white checkered table cloth with a spaghetti set up and a lantern that plays a little italian music when you push it.

It’s disgusting really how cute it is. Cassidy plays with hers quite a bit and it still has the original D batteried in it. She’s good about turning it off though.

There are SO many accessories that you can get for this. Cassidy even has the Pool Party set up. You can ‘New Additions’ rooms that actually fold up for easy travel (they have straps so you can carry them like a bag).

The best part… They really aren’t that expensive. We got the rooms on sale buy two get one free at Toy’s R Us. I bet they will be on sale for Christams too. Even if you pay full price for them they are not that much and they get tons and tons and tons of use!

I hope that helped. If you have anymore questions at all let me know! I know that Brooklynn would LOVE it.

Lunchtime Humor.

I’ve been swamped at work. Swamped. I thought that as we got closer to Christmas office production would slow down but unfortunately they’ve been turning out more paperwork than I’d like. 1200+ refunds a week all of which have to go across my desk for processing. And that’s not including the list of child psych refunds that I have to have done by December 31st. My alpha split is A-F and I have 18 pages worth… 36 names per page. The rest of the crew has about the same amount. *sigh*

Anyway, during lunch I usually sit at my desk, read MSNBC and while shoving some food into my face quickly and get right back to work. Today I almost spit my water out when I read one paragraph in this article.

The article is about the abundance of Christmas lights on houses that have sprung up all across the nation and how it’s pissing off neighbors in the process. Come on people, so traffic is a little slow around your house. Spread some Christmas cheer!! Think of all the smiling kids! And if you happen to be one of the people that have 1,000,000 lights on your font yard, this is always an option when your neighbor complains:

In Monte Sereno, Calif., a couple whose huge display attracted thousands of passers-by angered neighbors and led the City Council to require a permit for any exhibit lasting longer than three days. This year, the yard holds a 10-foot Grinch, its spiny finger pointing at the house of the neighbors who initiated the complaints.

The Butterfly Effect

Ben and I cancelled the five channels we had of HBO and decided to go with Netflix. When we first had HBO they were playing good movies but lately they’ve been playing crap.

We watched The Butterfly Effect tonight. What a fucked up movie. I hate endings like that. I get attached to movie/book characters too easily. It’s worse with books. I have a one week mourning period whenever I finish a book because I always feel like the main character was part of my life that I’ll never hear from again. God I’m a freak!!!

Anyway, good movie. Interesting concept. Crap ending.


P.S. – Chris, I’ll email ya tomorrow with the doll house info!

CSS Hell

For the last two weeks I’ve been trying to figure out why my background would not stay fixed in Mozilla & Firefox. Today I noticed an extra ‘{‘ at the top of my css file. I have no idea how it got there but once it was gone, the background stayed exactly where it was supposed to be on this page, and this page… but will it stay fixed on the blog? HELL NO! GAH!

Excuse me while I go pull the rest or my hair out. 😡

Seasonale: Month One.

A few people had asked me to let them know what I thought about Seasonale after I’d been on it a bit so I though that I’d start at the end of month one.

As with any birth control I think you have to give it a few months to really know what the side effects are going to be like. The first month was a little wierd. I spotted during week two. (WARNING: IF you are not a woman you might want to stop reading now because men really just don’t have the stomach for what we go through when it comes to this and I’m not going to be responsible for the spewing.) It wasn’t like a normal kinda light spotting. It was likd a black tar/sludge . Seriously, I could have used it to patch pot holes. It lasted for about four days.

The only other complaint that I have is that my breasts have been sore for almost the entire time. But, that’s also a side effect of the new anti-depressant. (Which also has a side effect of breast enlargment!!)

The good news. All week last week I should have been on my period and wasn’t. I asked Ben if I had PMS symptoms but he said that I’m so crazy there’s really no way to tell if I was just being the ‘normal crazy’ or PMS’y. *shrug*

Jesus Spamming Christ.

From the time I left work at 2:30 till now I’ve gotten 64 spam comments. So for the moment I have it set so that I have to approve all comments. I swear, if you comment I’ll approve it but until I can find a blacklist type program you will have to enter an email address, name and your comment won’t show up right away. Stupid fucking spam. *grumbles*

By the time I finished writing this post there were 78. It’s basically hitting every post once starting oldest to newest. I’ve deleted them. 😕

Edit: Okay, I’ve added the words:


to WordPRess’s built in spam filter. I’ll see if that works. Going to open comments back up and hope that it holds.