So yesterday I made this handy form where, if you choose to, you can enter all your information to recieve a Card of Awesome from myself and my family for *insert the Holiday you celebrate here*. When I made it I thought it would be fun to add a little incentive to amuse me on the last question and so far I have laughed loudly more than I imagined I would have from the responses.
It just makes me love all of you THAT MUCH MORE. Thank you for being so awesome. I’m going to end picking up a few little prizes to send with some of the Cards of Awesome because more than one of you deserve it!
If you’d like a card, please fill out the form! And if you want MY address to send ME a Card of Awesome, shoot shoot me an email or message me on Facebook or send me a tweet or send up a smoke signal (just please don’t burn down my house in the process) or leave a comment here and I’ll get it to you! Because MAIL in the BOX is the reason for the season.
That’s what she said.