Troy (The Epic, not the Idiot)

We went to see Troy last night and I went in really not expecting a lot out of it. It hasn’t been getting the GREATEST reviews, and being a HUGE Greek mythology buff, I was expecting to be dissappointed. I was surprisingly delighted with it.

I really think the hype behind Brad Pitt being the star of this movie was WAY opver-rated as Eric Bana TOTALLY stole the show as Hector. He did a VERY good job acting and making me BELIEVE in him and what he was fighting for. Much more so than Brad Pitt did.

The story line, for the most part, generally followed what I remember reading. There were some and at least one major changes made but they were done for the sake of the movie and not THAT imposing on the story. Idon’t want to mention them here because I know that a lot of you have probably not seen it yet as this is the opening weekend.

Major dissapointment… Orlando Bloom. I really thought that he was a good looking guy in TLotR trilogy. I was excited to get to see him in another movie. Then I realized, without the pointy ears and the long blond hair, he’s really rather palin looking. *See’s the wierdness in the last statement* I’m not saying I love elves, or that I’m into poiny ears… Oh, who am I kidding.

Anyway, ya’ll should go see it!!


Ben and I got up and met Sil and Kong for breakfast then headed over to a shop that Alex was at with a bunch of Porsche’s. Very pretty cars.

After that we came home and lounged at the pool some and did a little swimming. It is SO beautiful out today. Sunny with a nice cool breeze. I never knew weather could be this nice in MAY!

In a bit we are gonna go hang out at the Great Mall (hopefully) and look for some shorts for me and then catch a movie.

I love lazy days like this!!

Broken Linkage

BTW, most of the links in the content page and whatnot are still broken. They will remain that way till I feel like fixing them… which could be never. As soon as they are functional, I’ll let ya’ll know!

Ben and I have a bet going. He thinks that I’ll want to change the layout before two months is up. Who want’s in on this!? 😉

The Granny

As much oil as The Granny is leaking and as many miles as the poor thing has, she still manages to get me over 120 miles in 1.5 hours. 🙂 Maybe the new deck made her happy and put some spunk back into her!!

*knocks on the nearest piece of wood with all the ferocity her poor, sore body can handle*

Speaking of my poor, sore body… Ben and I have been hitting the gym again. We went three days in a row and yesterday even though I knew that I should give my body a break, I jogged. Now my left calf muscle hurts so bad that I limp when I walk. We didn’t go today. Tomorrow I’ll just do some upper body weights and hope that my leg starts to feel better by Sunday!

Well… off to take the happy drug, something to kill the pain in my leg, and then crawl into bed next to The Benjamin and cuddle. :love:

Busy Day

Two more days and shit has really hit the fan at work. Can’t wait till I can let it all out here. Tune in Sunday for all the gory details!!!

Yesterday I drove The Benjamin down to Seaside 70 miles away from here to get his car. On the way back from Bimmerfest last weekend his water pump had somewhat of a hissy fit and he had to leave it there to get repaired. He managed to find a shop though called ‘Monterey Bay Motor Works’ who had EXCELLENT customer service and ended up spending less than half of the $1300 estimate the BMW dealer less than 100 yards from there had give him. YAY for small locally owned shops with killer customer service!!!

Since we had time to kill and we were only about 4 miles away, we ran over to the aquarium to check out the new Shark exhibit. Very informative. I didn’t realize just how big of a problem that fishing for tuna and the such has a negative impact on the shark community. You always see ‘Dolphin Safe’ on the tuna cans but nobody ever mentions the sharks. I want to take Cassidy back very soon. We are putting our membership passes (thanks to my favorite dad in the whole world!!) to very good use. After learning all about sharks and spending some time in front of the GIANT kelp pool taling and relaxing we decided to go grab some food. (Okay, so in reality we decided to go grab some food after I because overly fastinated with watching the shrimp. I guess that was a bad move on my part ;))

We walked down to Bubba Gumps and had some AWSOME seafood while watchind a momma Seal and two babies bask in the sun and play around right outside the window. We had some hushpuppies for an appetized that had shrimp and Mahi in them… Good lord they were so good. We also had some clam chowder and some awsome shrimp. (Damn the silly cute shrimp at the aquarium that made me feel guilty for eating their cousins!!)

After the drive home, Ben and I had our first counseling session together. I really, really, really like this psychologist. More so than my own individual psychologist that I saw last Friday. I’m going to call Great West and see if I can get him added to the insurance so that I can continue to see him for my one on one sessions.

So anyway, about the counseling, I used to think of psychologist’s like I thought of anti depressnats… like, only insane people needed them. Since I’ve started takling Zoloft (OMG… yes, I’m taking Zoloft) I realize how… well, insane that thinking was. heh It has made SUCH a huge improvement in my daily life. It took awhile to see it but now it’s definatley there. Seeing the psychologist with Ben really opened my eyes to a lot about myself. Like, in that one CO-session I learned more about myself than my one on one session with the other psychologist. After just that one session with him I really think that I found ways to work on what Ben and I have. He offered ways to build trust, understand eachothers feelings better, help me learn more about who I am as a person which in turn will help Ben understand me better also. I still have a lot more thinking to do about what he’s said and what I’ve learned about depression and when I have it all sorted out in my head I’ll post what’s been going on. (Since I realize that this is the first time a lot of you are hearing about the depression and counseling and Zoloft and you are thinking WTF!?)

Anyway, needless to say, we had a very busy day yesterday!! And I’m off to jog and then shower and then submit another 10,000 resumes and make some appointments to get some interview done at a few temp places and then get ready for work and…. well, off to start another busy day!


I felt like absolute hell yesterday. My head hurt so bad I could not even think straight. Ben, Cassidy and I are all sick at the same time so there is nobody to baby me!

Anyway, I felt better last night and Ben and I got to bed early. We were in bed at like 9 which is WAY early for us. We talked for quite awhile, fought over blankets… we had not really had a lot of alone time lately because I’ve been working such crazy hours. It was really nice. 🙂


So umm, yeah… Work is kicking my ass. I used to run cross country for Christ’s sake. After eight hour on my feet I’m ready to pass out and die. I need to start using the gym here at the apartement complex. Some of that might have to do with the fact that I’m getting sick. I can barely breathe through my nose, my head POUNDED all day. But hey, I sold a crap load of ink today! HA!


So yeah, I didn’t like that baby blue. It’s great for a desktop but just wasn’t doing it for me as a layout so I played with it a bit in Photoshop. 🙂

Work today from 1:30 to 10:00. I’m going to crash when I get home because I have to be back at work at 9:45 Saturday, then 8:00 on Sunday for a training session followed by the full 8 hour day.

*sigh* So, I’m off.