Skin woes.

Cassidy has eczema. On her ears. I’ve never seen anybody have it there before. It doesn’t really hurt her unless we don’t Cortizone it at least once a day but sometimes I forget and it gets out of hand really fast. We’ve been doing the Cortizone for a MONTH now and it’s never gone completely away. Is she going to have to do this FOREVER!? I really hope not.

She also has a linear rash that starts about half way up her stomach, goes up in a straight line between her chest, then makes a 90 degree turn at about her collar bone and wraps around her left shoulder almost half way across her back. This one has baffled the doctor so far. It’s not responding to Cortizone at all so he told me to stop using it there and see a dermatologist.

I feel bad for her because she’s pretty self conscious of the one on her shoulder. And she has a spot that looks similar on her face and arm. Hopefully the dermatologist can treat and prevent this somehow and come up with a better solution for the eczema in her ear.

Linked these becaues they are big and not so pretty. Our camera actually takes pretty nice pictures close up… if you can get the subject to hold still for at least TWO FREAKING SECONDS. That didn’t happen here and I got tired of trying:
Rigth Ear
Left Ear
Left Shoulder

Never Ending Story

Gonna be making some minor changes to the site. Nothing drastic, just some little things here and there that you probably won’t notice but that make it look more.. finished? You might get an error or two in the process. Ignore them. 🙂

WP: v1.5.2

Up and running. Finally. This is just a test post to see if it the bugs is states it fixed really are.

Edit – WEEEEEEEE! It used to take forever for a post to… load and post. Much faster now. Ben will be pleased.

Dream a little dream…

At my first counselors session last week she told me to start keeping track of my dreams. She thinks that I have a problem “dealing” with things from my past. Mainly she said I don’t. Which is true. Denial is wonderful till you are down the road a few years and suddenly you are a loon.

I generally remember most of my dreams. I never really understood how people couldn’t because I wake up, and can recall later, most details of my dreams. So when she said that dreams are often an outlet for our past issues that need to be dealt with… I dunno. My dreams don’t seem TO ME to do that. But the rational side of me realizes that I’m not the best person to try and determine how “normal” people should be dreaming so I figured I’d give it a try and see what comes of it. Of course now all my dreams seem to scream ‘YOU ARE A LUNATIC AND YOU CAN’T RUN FROM ME ANY LONGER!!! MUAHAHAAAHAAAAHH.’

Wednesday night I had a dream that a midget was chasing me. He chased me into a house and when he finally caught up to me *I* pinned *HIM* to the ground. He kicked and screamed and fought like a SOB but I muffled everything he was trying to tell me and wouldn’t let him escape.

No, I don’t have issues!

I don’t know if I’m just paying more attention or if there’s been a subliminal message planted in there from talking to the counselor and now I’m dreaming that way because of it.

I know I have become psychic however because today Kristen said on a message board she was going to start a new topic that will bring up old arguments. Last night I dreamed at one point that she and I got into an argument online and the suddenly she was kicking my ass. Like, royally. It’s the first time I’ve ever had my ass kicked in the real OR dream world.

You’re lucky it wasn’t real life Kristen! You hear that!!

*runs and hides*

Dude: Where’s my car?

Last night after dinner and walking back to our car we had a dual-blond-moment. If you count Cassidy it was a tri-blond-moment. I don’t think I’ve posted about this yet, but Ben bought a silver Honda Civic Coup EX to be his daily driver now that the M3 is completely gutted and ready for the cage install.

Anyway!! Imagine Ben, Cassidy and I leaving a restaurant and walking out to the parking lot to go home. Now, imagine that both Ben and I are having our dual-blond-moment thinking that we drove the Honda to eat.

Ben: We parked right over here didn’t we?
Me: Yeah, I thought it was this row. There’s not a lot of places to park…
Ben: *turning around to survey the entire lot* This is why I hate driving a Honda!
Me: *turning around to survey the entire lot and realizing that there is actually not a SINGLE silver Honda in the lot* Yeah… there are so many and you can.. never… find… your… car.
Ben: *turns around again*
Me: *starting to realize that the HONDA was STOLEN! You know that Honda’s are the MOST STOLEN CAR* I… We parked on this isle… I’m sure of it.
Ben: Yes we did.

Ben: In the GTI.
Me: *laughs* OMG! I think this was your first blond moment… EVER!
Ben: *laughs*
Me: Yep, totally blogging this.

You know, what good would a blog be if you can’t post about how cute your boyfriend is as a “blond”. 😉

What the hell is going on down there? This is America for Christ’s sake.

Dead bodies outside center
Outside the center, people complained that they were evacuated, taken to the convention hall by bus, dropped off and given nothing.

An old man in a chaise lounge lay dead in a grassy median as hungry babies wailed around him. Around the corner, an elderly woman lay dead in her wheelchair, covered with a blanket, and another body lay beside her wrapped in a sheet.

“I don’t treat my dog like that,” Daniel Edwards said as he pointed at the woman in the wheelchair. “I buried my dog.”

“You can do everything for other countries but you can’t do nothing for your own people,” he said. “You can go overseas with the military but you can’t get them down here.”

The street outside the center, above the floodwaters, smelled of urine and feces, and was choked with dirty diapers, old bottles and garbage.


Doctors at two desperately crippled hospitals with 360 patients called The Associated Press pleading for rescue, saying they were nearly out of food and power and had been forced to move patients to higher floors to escape looters.

“We have been trying to call the mayor’s office, we have been trying to call the governor’s office. … We have tried to use any inside pressure we can. We are turning to you. Please help us,” said Dr. Norman McSwain, chief of trauma surgery at Charity Hospital.


And now FEMA has stopped the rescue effort to focus on and stop looting. FUCK THE LOOTERS. Let them loot… SAVE THE PEOPLE.