My little brother, (who is now several inches taller than me, thus making the ‘I’m gonna kick your ass’ threats kinda of pathetic on my part) is 17 today. Next Tuesday he’ll be a junior in high school. That’s the year that I told the principal of my private catholic school to shove his school in an orifice of his body I don’t think proper catholics usually discuss and walked out of his office never to return. Hopefully he has as much fun the next two years as I did.
One of the things I got him for his birthday is a bottle of “demi-permanent” BLACK hair dye. This present has two purposes. 1) Cause my mom undue stress and, 2) make Cameron the happiest 17 year old on Earth since my mom has always put her foot down when it comes to this. It’s gonna look awsome and there will be pictures.
We are spending most of the day at Great America so have a nice Saturday and I’ll catch ya later.