Thanks guys for the birthday wishes!!! I’ll post some pictures of tonight tomorrow when I can move again! I’m soooo full.
Ben is taking me out tomorrow night but won’t tell me where. He just told me to dress fancy. So my mom bought me a new dress at Saks 5th Avenue and a new pair of really strappy sexy shoes to wear.
Ben also gave me $300 to go buy myself some new clothes… So my mom and I are hitting up IKEA tomorrow because she’s never been and then we are heading to the Great Mall. I’ve been given specific instructions to spend the whole $300 on clothes by the end of the weekend.
I have the BEST BOYFRIEND EVER. :hello2:
You snuck “IKEA” in there Anna.. Remember WHOLE $300 on CLOTHES 😉
hehe Did he tell you about ‘The Rules’!?! 😉
My mom and I went to the Great Mall yesterday to get my dress so I already know some of the stuff that I’m wanting to get.
I’m jelous…I want $300 to spend on clothes.
Enjoy Anna and I want to see pictures of EVERYTHING once you’re done shopping. I love new clothes even when they’re not for me. :thumb: