When somebody you are close to loses somebody that was important to them, you are forced to confront the fragility of life.
I realized something not long ago. It seems as if the most spiritual people are taken from the Earth first.
My grandma believed with all her heart that there was a wonderful life waiting for her on the other side and she died rather young. HER belief helped me get though that.
The same thing happened when Ada died. She was also one of the most spiritually grounded people I know. Days before she died she told me, ‘Don’t be sad for me, Anna. I’m in pain, I want to go, I’m ready. I’m going to the place where there is no pain, there is no strife, there is only love.’ While her death was hard, like my grandma, she believed that she was truely going to a better place. That belief helped me once again.
Kynan lost is grandma today. Cassidy and I will say a prayer tonight for Kynan, Julie, Trey, and the rest of Kynan’s family.