Stress is really not good for you. At all.
I need to get more sleep at night. By about 3:00p.m. I am so tired I can hardly stand it. The problem is that if I lay on the couch at night, I just DON’T fall asleep. I try and try and it does not come till the wee hours of the morning. 2-3ish… sometimes later. Then I wake up at 5 and just can’t go back to sleep. *sigh*
MY tummy has also been WAY upset for a week now. It sucked because it started last weekend. Ben was here and I was pretty much crappy company for two days because I just felt horrid. I had to stay home Tuesday because I woke up and immediately started to throw up. I might have had the flu bug that my mom was talking about but I know that last weekend and today, it was not the bug. The stress is literally making me physically ill.
I have to figure out some way to make myself better agian. Someway to stop the physical effects this stress is having on me… Any suggestions are welcome.