Well, I guessed right. Clay and Rubin are the top two American Idols right now.

I’m going to go with Rubin as the winner even thought I like Clay better. I think that Rubin has a much larger following and will get more call in votes. Either way they are both awsome singers and they both deserve to be where they are right now.

U.S. lawsuit seeks ban on beloved Oreo cookies

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – A lawyer who has spent much of his life enjoying Oreo cookies has sued Kraft Foods Inc. seeking to ban the much-loved cookies in California because they contain trans fat, an ingredient he calls inedible.

To understand this a little better you need to knpw what trans fat is: Hydrogenation adds hydrogen gas to vegetable oil, helping to solidify it into products such as margarine. Health experts say the process makes them as unhealthy as real butter, if not more so, as the hydrogenated fats act like cholesterol in the body. Trans fats are common in cookies and crackers and part of both the cookie and filling in Oreos.

Now, I’m no expert here but COME ON! You didn’t know they were unhealthy? It’s chocolate wafers wrapped around frosting for goodness sake! This guy is just a little over the top. I understand that they are nor good for you but it’s not like somebody opened up his mouth and force fed the fool the cookies. If you think they are that bad for you, here’s a suggestion: just stop eating them!

If this guy succeeds and oreos are banned I will personally hunt him down and… well, I’ll do something really, really, really bad.

I can’t get out of my lease early. That’s going to hurt next month at rent time. It’s up oficially June 30th but I was trying to get out by the end of this month to avoid paying next month’s rent. So, I guess I’m just going to have to burn the place down. *shrug*

E3 is 3 days away. I’m totally getting more and more excited about it. w00t!!*

My dad confirmed that he will be here this weekend. It will be really nice to see him and Cherie. Cassidy is excited about it too. We have a picture of the three of them on the refrigerator (Dad, Cherie and Cassidy) at the Wild Animal Park and she gets *really* mad if Brooklynn, Carrielee or even I move it at all. She askes every other week or so if we can spend the night at their house. Anyway, it’s going to be a great weekend! 🙂

*I am such a geek!

Made a few changes tonight

  • Changed the Welcome Page
  • Added an archive page
  • Changed the template on the board

The Daisy logo grows on me more and more. For some reason it just feels like me. Pretty flowers with kind of a rough exterior.

YAY!! My daddy is coming. He will be here the next weekend so basically next weekend is pretty much going to freaking rock! E3 Friday then my dad Saturday and Sunday. 🙂

I’m excited. 🙂

Hello, my name is Anna Stacy. And I am an American Idoloholic.

I didn’t watch this at all the first time around. Then I was at Gene’s house one night and I watched it and now I’m totally sucked in. I want Clay or Rubin to win.

Josh should not even still be there. He is not consistant at all and he should have been voted off a long time ago. Kimberly is VERY good. I just don’t think that she has the charisma that Clay and Rubin do. I think it will go.. Josh tonight… Kimberly next time… then I don’t know between Clay and Rubin.

So I guess we can look back at this in two weeks and see how right I was. 🙂

Okay, sometimes I get a little scared at who is on the other end of the web…

  • What was this guy thinking? Watch the video. It takes awhile to download but it is worth it.
  • What about this kid? He is now like an internet superstar. I’ve seen remakes of this video that have him fighting to techno, have an actual light-sabre, it goes on and on and on.

Well, the interview at the temp place went well. Took all of the tests (Excel, Word..) and did well on all. 🙂

Hopefully I’ll hear something soon.