Help Haiti

I’m sure if you are reading this on the internet, or have been near a TV or a radio or a newspaper or another human being in the last 24 hours you’ve heard about what happened in Haiti. I just spent part of my lunch reading the devastating stories of bodies piled up in front of buildings, people dying on the streets because there is no room in the hospitals and people searching fearfully for their missing loved ones.

I saw this link posted a few times on twitter and wanted to share it:

Six ways you can help in Haiti.

The comments are full of even more links and phone numbers you can use to help. Do something, please. If you can’t afford to contribute, repost this to your own blog, tweet it, add it to your facebook status, emial it to a friend, just get the word out.

6 thoughts on “Help Haiti

  1. Here’s another place to donate: Partners in Development, Inc. is a nonprofit community-based development organization that works in Port-au-Prince. We run the following programs in Haiti: medical clinic/services, microcredit loans for small businesses, child sponsorships, adult literacy programs, home building, and clean water and sanitation.
    Our Haitian staff are on the ground and we are going to need a lot of help in order to assist in the aftermath of this disaster. We are looking for donations towards our emergency relief fund for victims of the earthquake.
    For more info, or to donate, follow this link:

    Thanks for caring about this.

  2. That’s a great link. I hadn’t seen that. The school I work in is doing a big relief effort and I’m going to be participating. Also I bought the sweet seeds on FarmVille lol!

  3. No time like the present! They easiest way I’ve seen is to text the word Haiti to 90999. I also bought the premium crop in Farmville for me and Cassidy. I wish we could afford to give more right now but we really can’t. I’ve been searching for a good place to go and donate some old clothes and toys. Right now it looks like the best place to do that is at any Red Cross.

  4. I donated $10 to the Red Cross and $10 to Charity:water. I know the amounts aren’t much, but every little bit helps. I just heard on the radio today that over the weekend and Monday $21 million was donated via a simple text message option that tacked on an additional $10 to the donater’s cell phone bill. That’s an impressive donation right there!

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