Took the Plunge…

And upgraded to WordPress V1.5. Thank God Wprdpress’s “easy upgrade” was actually pretty straight forward this time. They have a new “theme” system I had to do some reading up on to get things they way they are supposed to be.

The only thing that seems to be suffering is comments. They are working but I spent a good part of the afternoon getting them to look right in all three browsers and now I’m going to have to completely redo them. The PHP document is a lot different than the old one that I knew really well so I’m going to have to give it a good going over before I get stuff to be tweaked just right. I’ll try and get to them tomorrow.

The entire reason I did this upgrade was for the new comment features. I’m sick and tired of all the comment spam and this one has a built whitelist and blacklist. *cheers* So, the first time you make a comment I’ll have to approve it and then I won’t have to anymore and they will show up immediately.

I lost my pretty purple and grey admin template though.. *sigh* I’ll get to it eventually.

Oh yeah, I’ll have to reinstall the smilie feature I use in the title bar too. heh

Light’s Out

Friday I changed out a tail light and a turn signal on the GTI. Both on the drivers side.

On GTI’s they make the lights really easy to get to! ON THE PASSANGER SIDE! For instance, in the back you pop a panel in the trunk area, push in two tabs and BAM all the lights are there and easy to change… but on the DRIVER side there is a vacuum, CD changer and amp all mounted in the access space too. 😕

In the front on the drivers side there is an extra panel (besides the one already there on the passanger side) and the battery leaves about an inch and a half to work with. When you go to put panel #2 back in you can’t see the two tabs that have to slide in at all. It took me almost 30 minutes to change TWO LIGHTS! TWO! I felt like an absolute… girl. Ew.

But they were changed and life was good and all was well and the blinker blinked and the brake light glowed with absolute glory… then Ben informed me tonight that one of my headlights was out.

It was on the passnager side. And it took 2.5 minutes. :screwy:


So, I fixed the space in the table under the title picture. I laughed out loud when I checked the site in Mozilla and it looked right while in IE the table was adding funny table spaces. That’s the FIRST time it’s ever worked in Mozilla right off the bat and NOT in IE. It was like I was in Bizarro world or something. Anyhow, I was busy being really lazy today so I didn’t really get to do anything else to the site. heh 🙂

Blame it on Cassidy. She forced me to watch Mean Girls again… I’m completely embarrassed at how funny I find that movie.


New layout. YAY :hello2:

Martini’s are my new drink of choice. They make me feel so adult. 😳 Anyhow, there’s still a lot to be done. I’m going to be changing the basic layout if the blog itself (date, title, time appearance, link effects, etc..), a little customizing of the menu/catagory/archive section, as well as jsut some basic small stuff like changing link colors. YAY!!

I like it so far though. I REALLY hated that last layout but I was jsut really wanting a full page scrolling layout with all the archive and catagory stuff there for some reason. *shrug*

P.S. – Most of the menu links don’t work right now. heh


After two weeks I was finally given the okay to hit the gym again. Worked the arms. Head never hurt. Arms are in excruciating pain.

Pain. Excruciating.

New layout is finally in the works. Should be up by end of weekend.

Must stop moving arms now. Will post more when it does’t hurt my arms when I blink. heh :thumb: