I finally got around to making a designated Archive layout. So click the archive link and let me know what you think. The problem is that I really like the red, black and white with the comic book writing. Like, better than I like this layout. Damn.
Tomorrow I’m gonna start hammering out a layout for Jessica so she can start posting here at aflux. Hopefully it’s at least half as fabulous as she is. 😀
You’re so sweet! You made me blush. BTW – about the layout. Something simple is best. I love the colors I have on my xanga blog so if you need some inspiration check it out. I love the red and black layout but the grey is hot also. Switch back and forth every other month. 😆
I’ll keep that in mind. I’ve actually done some quick layouts… as soon as I have a few more I’ll show them all to you and you can choose one you like. Changing colors before it’s coded isn’t a big deal so if you see one you like and want different colors I can do that.
Probably by mext weekend I’ll have them all done for you to look at. 🙂