
I get somewhat of a kick following celebrity gossip online. Don’t judge me like that!! Don’t act like you haven’t already read that Nick and Jessica are splitting. Don’t act like you, YES YOU, didn’t click the article as soon as you saw it to see what was up.

Me? I refuse to believe it. Simply because they didn’t come out and say it themsleves. They DENIED it, in fact. So take that, Ben! They DENIED IT! HA!

*this is where he points and laughs at me and says somethng about the my mental stability* 😉


My baby turns seven today.

When I think about where she was and how much younger she looked just one year ago I’m struck with the reality that she is growing up entirely too fast. And by “struck” I mean “hit over the head with the sledge hammer of reality”. TOO. FAST. (This is probably the point where my dad picks up the phone to remind me that HIS daughter is 27! ;))

She’s at this point in time where she’s still young enough to ask to cuddle on the couch with me at night but old enough that she’s made it clear not to speak of the cuddling in front of her friends. Young enough to still want to play dress up and at home but old enough to try and dance like Britney and sing like Mariah. She’s on the brink of the transformation from Little Girl to Independent Kid.

As a mommy, you have this inherent desire to never let that happen. She’s still nieve enough to experience the joy of Santa Clause, the Toothfiary and the Easter Bunny. And the thought that this will probably be the last months we get to experience that is sad. For both of us.

Then I think of my dad. And I’m reminded of the reason you have kids in the first place… so they can have grandkids for you! And you get to do those magical, fun things all over again. Take them to theme parks, and movies, and know no matter what you buy them for their birthday it will automatically be cooler than what their parents gave them, and tell them to pull your finger…

I guess I’m okay with her growing up. I’ll miss the days I was the magical being who could cure everything by kissing it… but I also look forward to being the embarrassing being who walks into a room when she’s 14 and all of her friends are there that starts dancing like Britney and singing like Mariah. OH THE FUN IT WILL BE. 😉

Reading Nerd.

It had been too long since I read a good book. Not meaning that I had been reading bad books lately. I just hadn’t been reading. Period. That’s bad.

Anyway, I finished Angels & Demons and got The Da Vinci Code from my mom and am 7 or 8 chapters in. Already I wonder how people who didn’t read Angels & Demons could have gotten that far into the Da Vinci Code and not read Angels & Demons out of sheer frustration. I mean in the first three or four chapters alone there are at least 3-4 times he talks about “the Vatican incident” or “it was only a year ago I received a similar call and 24 hour later almost died in the Vatican”. That kinda stuff gets to me. I want to understand what the hell is going on! People jumped on the Da Vinci Code bandwagon when it first came out and I think missed the fun of fully understanding all of that.

Anyway! I’m off to vedge on the couch and read a bit before snuggling into bed with The Benjamin. G’nigt all!!