
I’m ready for a new layout. I have a Thanksgiving layout all designed it just needs to be coded which takes like no time using the same layout format… BUT I’m thinking that I want something totally different. *sigh* With the Holiday’s coming up, I don’t want to design a holiday layout then have to design a totally new layout right after Christmas.

Maybe it’s just a mood. I like this layout. For some reason I just feel the need for change. Maybe if I get the Thanksgiving layout up that will go away??



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I recently wiped out all my addresses so if I was emailing you passwords or you want it mailed to you let me know at .

More food talk

Last night: BBQ chicken, garlic mashed potato’s, peas and rolls.
Tonight: Steak Fajitas w/ red and green bell peppers, onions and all the fixings (cheese, avacado, lettuce, tomato, etc…)

When it’s hot outside I hate to have to cook. Now that it’s like 30 below here in San Jose I’m SO in the mood for home cooked meals. Mmmmm.

Conversations with me!!

Last night, laying on the couch with Ben watching the Swan… which we both think should be called the Butterfly, not The Swan because The Swan makes no sense at all. Anyway:

Me: *scratching my head* My head is getting really bad again. I’ve had to use that head medicine three times today.
Ben: *trying to hold in the laughter and NOT doing a good job*
Me: *thinks for a second* The external head medicine, not the internal head medicine.
Ben: *not able to hold in the laughter anymore*
Me: Ass!
Ben: YOU said it!

Damn scalp is driving me crazy again.. and I’m crazy enough as it is!!

Full to the max.

I made the most YUMMY dinner tonight. I really love to cook but when I went off the Zoloft I started to get back into that lazy slump. Last night Ben and I had a long talk and I realized that I he and I had both been spending so much time trying to get ME better that his needs had all but fallen off the map of the realtionship.

Now that I’m back on some medicine and starting to get some motivation back, I want to start filling some of HIS needs because Lord knows that he’s been here for me and done more than any boyfrined should be expected to do.

So today I asked him what he wanted for dinner so I could make him a nice meal. We had chicken grilled on the Goerge Forman grill then broiled with mozarella cheese and to top it off I made some sauteed mushrooms. We also had fresh pasta with Pesto sauce. AND.. he REALLY wanted fresh bread from the bread maker but the Safeway by us doesn’t sell the box mix. I was NOT coming home without the means to make him fresh bread so I went to the bakery and convinced the nice lady to give me a loaf of sourdough that had not been baked yet and she did. I brought it home, slathered it in olive oil and baked it. Man it was yummy. To top it all off I got him grape soda! 😉

I’m very greatful for everything that he’s done for me and I could never put into words how much it’s helped me and kept me from the brink of absolute distruction. I’m going to start doing more for him. I figure if I just do one small thing for him a day that by the time we’re 60 I’ll have made up for everything he’s done for me in the last two years.

And the Verdict is in.

Unless you live under a rock or up in a tree you know that Scott Peterson is guilty. I’ll never know all the facts because I wasn’t on the jury but one of the women that worked in my builing umtill about six months ago was. She still talks to a lot of the girls there so I’m sure that once the gag order is lifted, the rumors will start to fly.

This crime makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. How anybody could kill a women that is pregnant is just beyond me. How is it that somebody could justify KILLING over DIVORCE? Lacy was so young and had so many friends and I’m sure, like all expectant mothers, was dreaming of the day she’d get to hold her little boy in her arms.

I really hoped that it wasn’t him. I really didn’t want to have to think about her last moments of confusion and fear while her husband took her life. I know that she was thinking of Conner, not herself. How could you not as an expectant mother? Somehow I thought that knowing that he didn’t do it would have made me think her last moments wouldn’t have been so agonizing.

I hope they sentence him to death. And I hope he rotts in hell.

Go. Just… go!

To the people who are mad that Bush won and are threatening to move to Canada: Go. Just go!

I can’t believe what sore loser’s people are! I’m a liberal. I voted for Kerry. The state I live in is a blue state (although not as blue as before). I wanted Kerry to win…

BUT, I’m not going to be all boohoo about it and say that I’m LEAVING the country. That’s the most absurd thing I’ve heard people say in a long time.

I used to be proud to be a liberal. Proud that I believed that all people regardless of sexuality, color, income level, sex… even gun owners all deserved equal rights. If there were a vote in CA to allow gay marriage I’d loudly vote YES!

What I won’t do is run with my tail between my legs from a country where I have a right to voice my opinion about such issues openly on my website without the threat of being beheaded and dumped into a mass grave somewhere.

You know what the TRUE liberals will do? They’ll STAY. They’ll stay and fight for what they believe in, for the future of our children, for the future of the WORLD’S peace.

So do all of us liberals that really want things to change, who didn’t just jump on the liberal bandwagon for the first time this election, a favor… You are embarrassing us.

Just go.

It’s all about me!! ME! ME! ME!

From her.

1. Nervous Habits? I bite the skin off my lips. Bad, I know.
2. Are you double jointed? No
3. Can you roll your tongue? Yes
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? Yup
5 Can you blow spit bubble? Yes
6. Can you cross your eyes? Yes
7. Tattoos? One. Daisy’s and sunflower on my lower back that reminds me of my grandma.
8. Piercings and where? Two in each ear. Want to get the nose done.
9. Do you make your bed daily? Not since Iived with my mother…

10. Which shoe goes on first? Right
11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? Yes.
12. On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet? #5
13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? Earrings
14. Favorite piece of clothing? Plain white t-shirt that’s been washed too many times. I wear white t-shirts at least three days a week.

— FOOD —
15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl and slurp.
16. Have you ever eaten Spam? Yes
17. Favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate
18. How many cereals in your cabinet? Fruit Loops and Coco Puffs
19. What’s your favorite beverage? Pepsi. Coffee.
20. What’s your favorite restaurant? Pasand
21. Do you cook? Very well.

22. How often do you brush your teeth? Two times a day. And I still have 13 cavities. heh
23. Hair drying method? Blown on high for 30 minutes. Thick hair. It loves me.
24. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? Yes

25. Do you swear? Like a fucking truck driver.
26. Do you ever spit? No. Eww.

27. Animal? Cat’s
28. Food? Garlic Chicken Calzone from Frughatti’s. To be exact.
29. Month? September
30. Day? Saturday
31. Favorite Cartoon Character? Kenny
32. Shoe Brand? Steve Madden. I’m a shoe whore and proud of it..
33. Subject in school? Science
34. Color? Blue
35. Sport? Tennis lately
36. TV shows? Dang… CSI. The Daily Show. South Park. Real World/Road Rules Challenge. I have an eclectic TV list. heh

41. The CD player? Burned disk with 135 songs. I’m not going to name them all.
42. Person you talk most on the phone with? The Benjamin
43. Ever taken a cab? Yes sir.
44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? Is that a bad thing?
45. What color is your bedroom? White. Eww. When I get a house there will not be a single white wall in the house.
46. Do you use an alarm clock? I use the alarm on my cel.
47. Window seat or aisle? Window

48. What’s your sleeping position? In my tummy with my right arm strangling Ben.
49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? Yes. What else would I fight with Ben at night for?!
50. Do you snore? According to Ben, if snoring were an Olympic sport, I’d so win the gold medal.
51. Do you sleepwalk? Not that I’m aware of.
52. Do you talk in your sleep? Nope. Thank God.
53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Just one. See #48.
54. How about with the light on? Heck no.
55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? I like to fall asleep with the TV on.