This weekend was so fantastic. If not for the 4.5 hour drive home I’d do it again and again. And again. I don’t realize just HOW MUCH I miss Carrielee till I get to see her. It kills me to have to look at her big, beautiful brown eyes and tell her that we HAVE to go because we have two kitty’s and a very hawt man waiting for us the across the desert and over the mountain.
But my belly is sore from laughing at the two of those clowns all weekend. And Amber! Man, when we get together I think we literally make up for months of missed conversation in a DAY! We immdeiately fall back into that friendship like it was just yesterday that we saw eachother last.
In time, when I’m well enough to talk about things without the twinge of the sickness I’m fighting I’ll have to post about the BBQ. With the ex. And his girlfriend. And the wake up call that smacked me in the face when I saw how Cassidy was effected by us just BEING there together with no interaction at all. It made me realize we have issues we need to work on with her. Issues that I can’t even begin to solve right now because I’m just not in the correct frame of mind. Doesn’t make sense, it will soon… Hit me like using a 20 pound sledge hammer to crush a peanut.
OH! Kristen! You are a funny drunk. Next time I’ll have to drag Ben down there with me so I can have a few too! OR! You could come up here and we could ALL get hammered and you could crash in the guestroom for the weekend!
Julie! *hugs* ‘Nuff said. 🙂
And! Because I’m lazy and tired a visual person and about to fall asleep on the couch while watching Hero’s… a picture post!
Silly String is just as much fun as I remember it being:
Heather has grown into a beautiful girl. Like that Audrey Hepburn classic beauty that doesn’t need makeup. Just a smile.
I can. not. believe. I put my jacket on inside out In my defense, it had started out as a crappy night And yes. I need to venture up that way. It shall be good times.
Come play with us, it will be fun, I promise 🙂
Listen to Ben! There will be FUN!