I needed something different. Will probably mess with the CSS a bit more but for the most part.. TADA! I changed an image and some hex codes. *pats self on back*
Haven’t worked past the self censorship. Yet. Getting there though. Straw is getting heavy. Maybe just need one or two more.
If you don’t watch Big Brother, skip this part.
Danielle won HOH. Bleh. Damn Howie for not holding on to that damn net and letting that flip flopping idiot get it. My Janie is in serious trouble now. She better put her game face on and win that POV. Here’s what I see as the only “good” scenerio. Danielle promised Howie she would not put him up if he let go and let her win. HOPEFULLY she’ll put up Janelle and Kaysar. Janelle wins POV, she CAN’T put up Howie so only one S6er stays on the block and I don’t see there being enough votes to take Kayser out.
Either that or she doesn’t nominate Janelle, hope she can’t play POV and back door her. DAMMIT HOWIE!!
Damnit, i really do not like danielle i wish will would have won hoh
i dig your site design. has a very nice look to it.
best of luck on fighting the self censorship. definitely speak your mind, and create what you wish if you so choose. the only thing that can hold you back ever is yourself.
or the government, if it becomse to corrupt with power and control…