How are we spending it you ask? By packing!! I don’t mind so much because it means that next weekend we will be in the NEW HOUSE(!!). I’m so excited. 🙂
We went to Best Buy today and bought a new washer and dryer. We looked at buying used but after having worked in appliance repair, I know what can go wrong with buying old stuff and I really wanted something that would be more energy and water conserving. Did you know it takes 40 gallons of water to do a large load of laundry. That’s awful. Yeesh. The dryer senses when clothes are dry and stops the dryer even if it has time left. And it’s gas. Hopefully we’ll be saving some long term money.
So, I need to get back to packing. The Man and The Princess should be back soon and I need to make it look like I actually got something done while they were gone.
OH YEAH! I got my dad’s present last night. I love them and the card made me laugh so hard that I had to call Ben and share it right away. It deserves it’s own post though so I’ll do that this evening when I’m taking another.. errr… break. 😉
P.S. – Everybody please keep Eu and her dad in your thoughts and prayers and send them positive vibes. Her whole family needs it right now. I’m thinking of you, Julie.
Happy birthday!
Thanks Kristen!! 😀
happy birthday!
thanks also for your thoughts and prayers it means alot to me and my family
Happy Belated Birthday Anna, and congratulations on the new house!!
Thanks everybody!!! 😀
happy belated!