Every year nVidia has a day for the kids of employees to get dressed up and come in to carve pumpkins. Last year I didn’t get to go because I was still a slave to Best Buy. I was so bumbed by that. It was at that point that I really started to hate that job.
Anyway, I did get to go this year and Cassidy and I had so much fun curling her hair and putting on her makeup. Yes, actual ADULT makeup. Eyeshadow, blush, MASCARA and lipstick. When I put mascara on her lashes and she blinked them open for the first time I almost fell over. They curled up in perfect black curves that I spend 10 minutes trying to get with curlers, dual layer mascara… and never get CLOSE to looking that beautiful. Real princesses wear REAL makeup you know!!
The event was a blast. They had the chef’s there with pizza, salad and a table the of desserts. Oh the table of desserts. By table I mean table(s) with piles of cookies and cupcakes and chocolate.. it was sinful I tell you. Farhad, one of the guys that works in the lab with Ben was there with his daughters and so they sat with us. His kids are gorgeous and they all had a really good time.
So, trick-or-treating Sunday night. We go to the neighborhood of Cassidy’s school because they decorate all fantastic and there are a TON of kids around. If I don’t post before then everyboody have fun at the Halloween parties, and trick-or-treating or whatever it is you do to celebrate the Holiday! Be safe and have fun!
P.S. – Pictures HERE!!!
I going to be a sexy vampire!!!:twisted: Ur never 2 old 2 go trick or treating!:twisted: