I got word from my boss today that at the end of my three month temp period I’ll be getting the job full time. I am so excited. They have a “mandatory” six months waiting period for temps and after three months I’m getting the offer. I am stoked becuase I really like my job and all the people that I work with. AND they pay me well!! 😀
*does the happy dance*
Miss Lisa: I have a lot I want to say to ya but I think the best thing to do will be to dedicate an entire post to it. I’ve never really told my story… my fall into depression, the length of time I lived in total denial, the shame I felt for not being ‘normal’ or knowing how to cope with the overwelming feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness that I had… and the funny thing is that all of this hit me when my life started to take a turn for the better. Depression is an amazing, complex, confusing and VERY COMMON disease.
I promise I’ll start it at work tomorrow and when I get home around 3ish I’ll post it for you. The main thing I can say right now is that you are NOT alone. There are SO many people around you that are in the daily struggle to… get to the NEXT day. You’d be surprised how many people put on the front of ‘everything’s great’ but really feel like… well, like you do. I know, I did it for a LONG time.
Hang in there, we all love you and promise you that you WILL get better.
Message board post!
does the happy dance look anything like the snoopy dance?
Congrats on getting the job Anna! And Depression is a mean thing that strikes when you least expect it. i have had 2 bouts of it, first when i moved to Oceanside and i gained 75lbs cause all i did was eat and i missed my friends so much. second time was when my doggy died, she was my baby, i was in that little pickle for 2 years and it sucked. but my friends knew it and tried there best to keep me happy and now im out of it! dont worry you will get thru this some how.
Awesome news Anna!! Congrats!!!!!