Well… the lady is gone. Ben found a buyer last minute that offered him a good amount for the car. He drove to meet the guy today, the guy test drove it, drove to the bank and got the funds and that’s that. He drove away with one very well maintained, very nice, very quick BMW M3.
This is going to be SUCH a huge help for us financially. With a combination of the car payment/incusrance being gone and me finding a job that pays a decent amount of money, we will be able to pay off the debt we both owe at a MUCH quicker rate.
It was sad to watch the guy drive away. 🙁 Hearing the whine of the supercharger and the grumble of the exhaust that I’ve gotten so used to kinda got to me. We had a lot of fun in that car. Ben moreso than me but I know that I’ll miss it too. What I’m keeping in mind is that once the debt is paid off, we will be able to afford nice stuff like that again.
Ben want’s to eventually have a strictly track car. He’s actually hoping to build one from chassis up and I’m excited about that. I miss geting my hands dirty and helping out on builds like that.
So goodbye to the lovely M3 and goodbye to DEBT!!
Well…yay for the quick-to-come end of the debts. Bye bye, car.
I’m sorry to see it go. We loved ours. But the fact of the matter is its just a car. They’re replacable and what comes before all material things is happiness. And stressful debt is not worth a person’s happiness.
Tell me about it!! The weight that’s been lifted even the first day is awsome. We’ve started sitting down and doing all our financial stuff on Quicken together and the car payment being gone makes a HUGE FREAKING difference.
And I want a house. And Ben is starting wo also so the sooner that we get this debt paid off the sooner we can get into one. :hello2: