I think I’ll make this a weekly thing for all you parents out there that, like me, sometimes wonder why in the heck you decided to do this in the first place.
1) Halloween Candy!
When they’re young it’s: I’m just going to test some of these to make sure they’re safe.
When they’re a bit older it’s: Time for bed! Leave the candy down here in my lap so I can protect it! What? I have no idea why all the Starburst are gone!
When they’re teenagers it’s: Let me explain the concept of rent to you.
Oh yes, please make this a series! I think this covers Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Easter for the younger kids. Corbin brings home candy all the damn time for different holidays. And then he’s all “Where did my snickers bar go?” And I’m all “I don’t know, man, I would never eat your candy…”
haha Oh gosh, I wish I could remember all the reasons my mom used to say “That’s why you have kids!” Candy was one of them.