Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.

I was originally going to write something eloquent, like what John Armstrong wrote, about this awesome day. Something graceful, full of meaning, faith and excitement for what the immediate and long term future has in store for us. Something that shows how awesome I think it was to have been able to cast a vote that lead to this historic event.

Then I decided on a whim to check my flickr stats for the first time in quite some time and I saw that the following image’s stats have shot up 300% in the last two days. And it dawned on me that WHO AM I KIDDING!? I’m neither graceful nor eloquent. So I leave you with the same sentiment and image from when I cast that first primary vote back in February of 2008:

156/365 - Obama Supporter

*Title Quote: John F. Kennedy

7 thoughts on “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.

  1. The first paragraph proves your eloquence.

    Tuesday was a day of intense emotion here. We cried, we laughed and we listened and watched as reason, intellegence and dynamic leadership finally took the reins of our nation from the BOOB!

    Tuesday evening Dani, Jordan, Nana and I lifted a glass of prosecco as we replayed the video footage of the helicopter carrying 43 away. Good riddance!

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