Diligently working…

Diligently working...

On a new theme. So far I’m about 40% done with the Photoshop mock up. So it’ll be up sometime… around Christmas maybe? I can’t seem to get away from these gray color swatches with little splashes of pink. Meh. Guess it’s me?

Andy Carvin has declared tomorrow Stop Cyberbullying Day. The recent drama over on Kathy Sierra’s blog has quite a few of the A List blog community finally taking a unified public stance against Cyberbullying. Finally. It’s tragic that it had to come to light the way it has, with a woman afraid to leave her own home or travel to be a part of a community that should offer only support and friendship. But I think that many bloggers have fallen prey to little egos and anonymous cowards for long enough.

I’ll be writing more tomorrow to support this event but I wanted to give you all a head’s up so that if you want to you can join in. I really hope that some of you are willing to finally step up and speak out for once. Not because you’ve been attacked, but because you want to do what you’ve known all along is the “right thing to do”.

3 thoughts on “Diligently working…

  1. Hope you write a good one about Kathy, even a cancer patient dares to go out of the house, so what has been done to Kathy is worse than cancer!

  2. Hello! My name is Jeff. I found your site on Technorati and really liked what I saw and read. I was wondering if you would be interested in featuring one of my many websites in one of your posts. I am trying to build the popularity of my sites but it seems very difficult to do that without paying for ad space. That is why I am trying to get people with rich quality content and nice looking sites to maybe write a little article about my sites. My sites include http://jeffreymunro.com which is my main blog, http://wallpapers.jeffreymunro.com which is my wallpaper website, http://jeffreymunro.com/girls/ which is my celebrity wallpaper site and finally http://wtcphotos.googlepages.com/index.html is my World Trade Center Photo website. Hopefully you will consider writing something about one of my sites. Thank you very much and please feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions (you can find my email on my blog) 🙂


  3. SeeKim, it’s disturbing to say the least. I really wish her well and hope that she’s able to resume normal life again soon.

    Jeff, I don’t usually plug people unless I happen across a site that blow’s me away. And I make it a point not to do it for people that come and ask for it, especially when it’s the first time they’ve ever commented. But since you caught me on a good day, I didn’t delelte your comment and your plug for yourself is out there for the google worms to exploit and do with as they will. 😉

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