I have decided to participate in Pink For October, a breast cancer awareness campaign. From the site:
Now the challenge is to convince as many sites as possible to promote National Breast Cancer Awareness month (let’s make that International) and raise money for breast cancer research.
Feel free to contact me if you are interested in helping with this event. But even if you don’t have time to dedicate, consider redesigning your site for the month of October — Go Pink!
The more people the better, so if you are willing and/or able, pinkify your site too and let them know you are participating!
Our work does a lot of breast cancer fundraising, but since like 98% of breast cancer research is animal testing, I dont support it. I wish they’d do basic stuff like children’s fundraisers!
For me supporting this is really more about AWARENESS than CURE. Early detection so things like chemo, radiation, mastectomy, ect are not as necessary, if at all.
I’ve lost my two favorite grandparents and one of my best friends to cancer. My step-sisters just lost their father last weekend. Cancer is something that has touched my life closely several times and I feel like even if ONE woman goes to get a mammogram because she’s seen ONE of these sites that have gone pink for October, the effort will have been worth it.