
Ben got me an amazing, thoughtful, cute, wonderful, FANTASTIC black gift for no reason at all. I’ve wanted one for awhile and when he happened across some money he didn’t think he’d have he thought of me. Reason #2349 why he’s a top contestant for Best Boyfriend Everâ„¢.

Cassidy has her “permanent” cast on. It’s not pink. They only do white. I guess they had kids being pissy and parents throwing fits and little brothers who couldn’t sleep from big brothers GLOWING cast. So, it WAS white but that was easily solved with the purchase of a few colored Sharpies. I’ll snap pics when she gets home from my moms on Friday evening. It comes off on the 28th and will be replaced with a velcro splint. So, only a week of school with he cast. *whew*

Ben’s step mom, Kandy, is staying with us till Sunday while she’s here for a retreat. I really like her. I could talk to her for hours and hours and hours. And she has smart things to say. Things and ways of thinking that come from discipline and clarity. Inspiring.

I have a post 95% written up about the purse. It’s more than just a purse. There is a story behind it now. A feeling. A constant reminder of Ben’s persistant persuit of happiness and love for both of us. The lesson stung but it was one that, in the long run, turned out warm and fuzzy and sweet.

Off to bed.

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