Spring Hair ’06

(EDIT – Another hotlinker skoold. And one more.)

As promised below, more reminders of my cuteness. ; ) I lightened my hair today. Needed a change for spring. I like it. I also realized I’m WHITE AS A GHOST and need a tan. Badly.

I’m down 16 pounds now. That’s two pants sizes and puts me past my second big goal.


P.S. – I promise the next post will be more insightful, contain complete sentences, and less vanity.


Have you heard enough about the site yet?

Less fat. Less filling.

The new layout is up. TADA! The about section is empty. Meh. That has always been my most challenging section. Write about myself? In proper sentences and complete thoughts? Suuuure.

It’ll get up. Give me a week. Actually two, I’ll be out of town this weekend then my dad is visiting Wednesday of next week. So yes, two weeks. Sunday the 16th. Wait. That’s Easter. And we’ll be at Thunderhill. Whatever. It’ll get done eventually.

The forum is just something that I set up so the girls at NorCal could have a testosterone free zone to chat about things like makeup and shoes and shopping and SMELLY BOYS. Kidding. But if you are a female (or a male even) and enjoy such subjects, feel free to join the discussion.

The whole redesign started when I decided to add some video’s to the site. I love that I can embed the youtube video directly into the pages of the layout. I hope to add a video per week. Maybe more. Probably less. But it’s still cool so go check them out. Plus!! You can comment on them.

Okay, enough with the boring site talk and on to using the blog for what it’s for again! Ranting about stupid people and an occasional picture of how cute I am!


The new layout was up. For like 10 minutes. Ask Julie, she saw it! So did Ben. Really!

There seems to be an issue with IE. *hates IE* It looks fine in the NEW IE beta that’s supposed to fix all the old BS IE issues. And it works in Firfox, of course. Tomorrow I’ll have to hunt down the IE problem. I’m sure it’s a CSS issue.

The party was a blast. I have some pictures posted over at flickr and Jason took the customary 2000 pictures so once he gets his up I’ll share those too. I’ll post more tomorrow. The time change is gonna kill me in the morning so I need to get into bed. But it was a success. Ben had a blast, everybody laughed and laughed and laughed. Karting was awsome. Just aswome. And my entire upper body is sore and bruised from it but I’d do it again tomorrow. And the next day.

I have hives all over my hands spreading up my wrists and arms. Also in my armpits. I’m hoping they are just stress related and that now the party is over I can relax a little…
