Spring Hair ’06

(EDIT – Another hotlinker skoold. And one more.)

As promised below, more reminders of my cuteness. ; ) I lightened my hair today. Needed a change for spring. I like it. I also realized I’m WHITE AS A GHOST and need a tan. Badly.

I’m down 16 pounds now. That’s two pants sizes and puts me past my second big goal.


P.S. – I promise the next post will be more insightful, contain complete sentences, and less vanity.


6 thoughts on “Spring Hair ’06

  1. Well, it’s not cheekbone so much as it is FAT. 😉 But they have always been pretty big.

    Wasn’t it Jarrett we always called Chubby Cheeks? Maybe it just effects the first born Reids. CONSIDER YOURSELF LUCKY!! 😉

  2. Hey Anna, That’s awesome that you and Ben are getting healthier and slimming down. Anything in particular you guys are doing? I heard you are heading to the gym right near your house pretty frequently. I need to get back down to my rowing weight (oof packed on 50 lbs in 2 years).

  3. Thanks Stuart!

    We’ve been TRYING to get to the gym as often as possible to that gym RIGHT by our house. It’s been hard the last few weeks because, as you know, we have been SO busy. But we continue to eat healthy.

    I’m hoping in the next week or so I can get back into a good routine because I’m scared I’m losing muscle and I want arms big enough to kart for 30 minutes without DYING. 😉

  4. Vanity’s not a bad thing esp if you’re as gorgeous as you! Congrats on the weightloss, that’s great when you achieve a goal!

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